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Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) make it easier for people to communicate in one-to-one conversations. ALDs are usually handheld amplifiers with microphones that make the wearer’s desired sound louder. They can capture nearby sounds and may filter some level of background noise. There are many different types of ALDs, such as wireless FM devices, alerting devices, and other propriety devices that work with hearing aids and cochlear implants.

Assistive Listening Devices VS Hearing Aids 

People who use assistive listening devices may not need to use hearing aids. Assistive listening devices work differently than hearing aids. They are simpler and offer instant amplification. Hearing aids adjust and improve a person’s hearing over time.

Types of Assistive Listening Devices

ALDs are devices that help people with hearing loss or hard-of-hearing individuals hear better, even if they don’t have a diagnosed hearing loss. There are different types of ALDs that are designed for different areas, like theaters, classrooms, and airports. There are also ALDs that are designed for personal use in small settings and one-on-one conversations. 

Audio induction or hearing loop

Hearing loops are a type of device that helps people who have trouble hearing. They are powered by a copper wire that goes around the room. The sound system is connected to the copper wire. Then, people with hearing aids can turn on their telecoil program and they will hear the sound clearly in their ears.

Hearing loops are the most user-friendly option for people with hearing aids. They are simple, discreet, and effective. People can just switch the devices to telecoil program and they will automatically receive clear and customized sound directly to their ears.

Infrared system

Infrared systems are like TV remote controls. They use invisible light waves to send speech or music from a sound system or public address to an IR receiver. The technology cannot be used outdoors during the day because it could be affected by light.

IR signals travel in a straight line which means that the farther you are from an IR transmitter or receiver, generally speaking – say 20 feet away- your received signal will be weakened. If there’s poor sightline coverage in these areas then users could expect interference with sound playback capabilities as well since they’re both sending out waves of energy aimed at deciphering what is being said through walls (or other obstacles).

FM system 

FM systems are a great way to add sound when you’re out and about without having any wires getting in your way. Since this form of radio transmission cannot be contained within certain areas like infrared technology can (due to its low power levels), it presents less confidentiality than more powerful options such as hidden wireless microphones that operate over longer distances with little interference from other sources like cars or buildings nearby

Personal Sound Amplification Products

Personal sound amplification products (PSAPs) offer a lot of the same benefits as hearing aids, but they are much cheaper. PSAPs only amplify sounds and cannot fix other problems with hearing, like distortion or ringing in the ears.

Assistive Listening Devices FAQs 

What is the most commonly used assistive listening device?

Hearing loops are the most popular type of assistive listening device. They are discreet and effective – users can just switch their devices to the telecoil program to receive sound directly in their ears.

Can assistive listening devices take the place of hearing aids?

Assistive listening devices make it easier to connect with other people. They help you hear what other people are saying better, especially when there is a lot of noise in the background. However, it’s best to take note that ALDs do not work like hearing aids. Hearing loss requires a greater hearing requirement which ALDs cannot compensate for.

Assistive Listening Devices | Norfolk, NE 

Hearing aids and cochlear implants have come a long way since they were invented years ago. Assistive listening devices can serve as an accessory to complement these hearing solutions, allowing the user more independence and functionality in their daily life. 

Norfolk Audiology offers various types of assistive listening devices to suit unique communication needs and lifestyles.

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Learn more about how we can help.

We offer solutions that include hearing aids, assistive devices, aural rehabilitation, tinnitus treatment, and custom hearing protection.